Wednesday, February 22, 2012

SMART Notebook and MS Powerpoint

Do you have Powerpoint presentations with information that you would like to work into a SMART Notebook? Maybe there are images or text that you don't have time to recreate.

You can import these Powerpoint files directly into SMART Notebook using File/Import. However, there may be a slight glitch. I attempted this using SMART Notebook v. 10.8 in Windows 7 and MS Office 2010. I had saved the Powerpoint presentation as an PPT 2010 file, the default file type. The SMART Notebook translator was unable to import the file.

To get this to work, I had to save the Powerpoint file as a Powerpoint 97-2003 presentation file instead. After that, the import worked like a charm. For the most part this was not a problem, since importing these files to Notebook loses the animation and special effects used in Powerpoint. At least all the text and images came across nicely, and I can add the animation and special effects available in SMART Notebook.

Do you have SMART Notebook files that you need to pass on to a Powerpoint user? You can export the SMART Notebook file as a Powerpoint file. Open the file in SMART Notebook. From the File menu, choose Export..., then Powerpoint. Each page of the Notebook file is exported as a Powerpoint 97 slide. Again, you lose the interactivity from Notebook, but can add these effects in Powerpoint. Any interactive Java objects are left behind and replaced with blank space on the Powerpoint slide.

You don't have to completely redo those presentations.

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